Did you know????
This is what a 4 week old human looks like.
Most women are not sure if they are pregnant yet.
Did you know????
This is what your baby looks like around the time you are finding out that you are pregnant. Notice the hand formation. At this point the heart has been beating for about one week.
Did you know????
This is a human at 8 weeks. 52% of
abortions are preformed around this time.
Did you know???
Babies in the womb produce a yawning-like motion from as early as 12 weeks' pregnancy. Approximately 12% of abortions are committed at this time.
Did you know????
6% of abortions happen around week 15.
This is what a baby looks like at that time.
Did you know????
4% of abortions are reported to occur between
the 16-20th week. This is what a baby looks like during this period.
Did you know????
Abortions continue to be preformed after the 20th week of pregnancy This is a photo of a premature baby that was born under 22 weeks. Born at 9½ inches long and weighing 10 ounces at birth this baby SURVIVED.